Does Our Ethnic Heritage Matter? - Podcast with Prof Rasko and Benjamin Law
Prof John Rasko joins Australian writer and broadcaster, Benjamin Law, on the Principle of Charity Podcast. The podcast is hosted by Lloyd Vogelman and Emile Sherman and on this episode they discuss the topic - Does Our Ethnic Heritage Matter?
Listen below as they consider how to best make sense of our ancestral past and the dangers of over identifying with tribes alongside the very real opportunities science is giving us to change our genetics.
“We make sense of our lives through the stories we tell ourselves. Many of us seek out our ancestry, our tribe, as a way of knowing who we are. Yet inherited genes from past individuals, randomly shaken up in their journey across generations and finally passed from our parents to us are just that – random. So how much should our ethnic heritage matter, and is it the most important part of our individual stories?” - Principle of Charity